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Rick Joyner: West Coast is Doomed

Rick Joyner is doubling down on his claims that an earthquake will soon bring ruin to the west coast, writing in an email(link is external) today that the New Madrid Fault Line(link is external) will also rupture. Joyner, the head of MorningStar Ministries and the Oak Initiative, said that America’s policy towards Israel is responsible for “natural disasters that have struck our country.” He has already warned people “to get out of” California(link is external) because America has “fallen to some of the ultimate depravity that a nation could fall into,” and said that the recent earthquake in Japan will lead to a demonic, Nazi takeover of the United States(link is external).

I've had to prophesy many negative things over the last few years, and like it or not (and many don't), we have a track record of accuracy. Quite a few have listened, evaluated, believed, prepared, and have prospered. I know the prepared will prosper in all times, but I would rather not prosper because of catastrophe. Our first goal should be to warn so that the catastrophe does not have to happen. Everything will be settled and made right on the Judgment Day, which is what I've resolved to live for.

Our West Coast is about to be shaken like it has never been shaken before. I am encouraging everyone I know to pray for more time, but we don't have much time. Others also have been seeing similar things along the New Madrid fault line along the Mississippi River. Some have seen this linked with when the U.S. puts serious pressure on Israel to divide Jerusalem. There are amazing parallels between things we have done to Israel with natural disasters that have struck our country. These are not a coincidence.

My bringing these up after the Japan earthquake hit did create one more controversy in a long list of controversies in my life. I don't like controversy, but I realize that not much can be accomplished in these times without it. Though I do not claim to have handled or articulated any word perfectly, and I do spend a lot of time second-guessing myself, in this case the more controversy that is stirred up by this word the better. It is a true word, and the controversy is causing more people to talk about it. Some on the West Coast have started hearing for themselves, even some of the most vehement doubters, and for this I am very thankful.

Even so, the day this begins to unfold on our West Coast will be the worst day of my life. I learned a long time ago that you are unlikely to get credit for accurate prophecies until you're dead and no longer a threat. For this reason, I don't even consider being vindicated. I would much rather be wrong about this one, but I know I'm not. Since the Japan earthquake and tsunami, I have been feeling the grief more and more for our own countrymen that are on our West Coast.

I am thankful too that so many great churches and works of God are on our West Coast, and hopefully all of them can be spared and be like a Goshen. I know great churches and great saints will be needed there like never before. I have considered that this may be why they are not hearing this word—God does not want all of them to leave. We must be praying now for the strengthening and protection of God's people on our West Coast, that they will be mightily used by Him, and that many will be saved for every one who is lost in the impending disasters.